Home Remedies For Headaches

At Headache and TMJ Center of New Jersey, we understand how frustrating and painful headaches can be. Dr. Ivan Stein and Dr. Allan Stein are here to offer some helpful home remedies that relieve and prevent your headaches. Although these remedies can provide relief, remember that chronic headaches could indicate an underlying issue, such as TMJ, that we can help with.
Stay Hydrated
Some headaches are related to dehydration. Your brain shrinks when denied adequate fluid. This, in turn, puts pressure on nerves and triggers headache pain. Shoot for eight glasses of water daily. When you drink water, the tissues in the brain are properly hydrated, which may relieve nerve pressure that causes pain.
Apply a Cold or Warm Compress
A warm or cool compress can quickly help ease headache pain. Cold compresses are especially effective at numbing sharp pain like migraines. Warm compresses offer quick relief for tension headaches and muscle tightness (common in people with TMJ).
Practice Relaxation Techniques
Stress is a major contributor to headaches, so take some time to de-stress every day. Consider incorporating relaxation exercises, deep breathing, or meditation into your daily routine. Dedicating as little as a few minutes a day to these practices can help reduce headache frequency and intensity.
Adjust Your Diet
Cut back on caffeine, alcohol, and processed foods. For many people, they can trigger headaches or migraines. We recommend keeping a food diary to help you pinpoint how your diet contributes to your headaches, and then adjusting it based on what you learn.
Get Enough Sleep
Lack of sleep can lead to headaches, so getting a good night’s rest is crucial. Shoot for 7-9 hours of sleep nightly. Create a bedtime routine and stick to it, even on the weekends. Avoiding screens just before bedtime helps you start winding down and prepares your body for rest.
Consider Your Posture
When you’re having headache pain, you’re more likely to hunch, hold your head at an angle, or let your head droop, especially if your head pain extends to your jaw, neck, and shoulder. But poor posture can make your headaches even worse.
Be mindful of your posture to help prevent headaches. Use ergonomic-friendly chairs and tools at work. Sit straight, keep your back against your chair, and keep your feet planted on the floor.
When standing and walking, keep your shoulders back and head straight. Fight the urge to round your shoulders because it strains your shoulders and worsens the pain.
Get Expert Help For Headaches in West Orange
If home remedies don’t provide enough relief, it’s time to call in the experts. We offer advanced treatments for TMJ, a common cause of headaches, in our West Orange, NJ, office. Call our office at 855-865-3627 or connect with us online to get headache help today.