Could TMJ Be the Cause of Your Ringing and Buzzing Ears?

Ringing and buzzing ears, medically known as tinnitus, can be a distressing and disruptive symptom. It affects millions of people worldwide. While several factors can cause tinnitus, many individuals may not realize that TMJ symptoms could contribute to their ear condition.
The team at Headache and TMJ Center of New Jersey provides effective TMJ treatments for patients who desire relief. Below, learn more about the potential link between TMJ and tinnitus.
About Ringing and Buzzing Ears
Ringing and buzzing ears, or tinnitus, can have multiple causes. Tinnitus can result from long-term exposure to loud noises, such as those produced by machinery, concerts, or weapons, which can harm the sensitive hair cells in the inner ear. Furthermore, hearing loss can occur gradually as people age. It may also cause buzzing or ringing noises in the ears.
Other reasons may include earwax accumulation in the ear canal, TMJ dysfunction, and medical conditions such as Meniere’s disease. Of all these, TMJ dysfunction is the most important consideration.
Is TMJ the Cause of Your Ringing and Buzzing Ears?
TMJ dysfunction occurs when the temporomandibular joint becomes misaligned or inflamed. It often results from factors like teeth grinding, jaw clenching, arthritis, or trauma to the jaw. When the TMJ is dysfunctional, it can create tension and strain in the surrounding muscles, including those connected to the ears.
This tension can lead to referred pain and discomfort in the ears. It may result in symptoms such as ringing or buzzing sounds.
Treatments for Ringing and Buzzing Ears
The experts may recommend TMJ Therapy or lifestyle modification. However, treatment for TMJ-related tinnitus often focuses on addressing the underlying cause of TMJ dysfunction.
This may include jaw exercises, physical therapy, oral appliances, such as mouthguards, and stress management techniques to alleviate jaw tension and improve TMJ function.
Lifestyle modifications can include avoiding habits that exacerbate TMJ symptoms, such as teeth grinding or jaw clenching. Additionally, relaxation techniques, such as meditation or deep breathing exercises, can help manage stress and tension in the jaw and ears.
Some doctors also recommended hearing aids for individuals with age-related hearing loss or other hearing impairments. These hearing aids can help amplify external sounds and mask the perception of tinnitus.
Book Your Ear Ringing Treatment in New Jersey
If you experience ringing or buzzing ears, you must seek potential underlying causes, including TMJ dysfunction. By understanding the link between TMJ and tinnitus, you can seek appropriate evaluation and treatment.
If you suspect that TMJ may contribute to your ear symptoms, don’t hesitate to call us at 855.865.3627 and schedule an appointment with our qualified professionals. Contact Northfield Dental Group today.