Treating Migrane Headaches, Jaw Pain
and Other Facial Pain
Do you experience frequent headaches or, worse yet, severe migraines? Are your headaches or migraines often accompanied by tenderness throughout your jaw, face, head and / or neck? Do you find yourself clenching your teeth unwittingly? Has your dentist told you that your bite is misaligned or that your teeth are unevenly worn down?
If this sounds familiar, you may have more than a simple headache. Instead, you may be suffering from temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder (TMD). Thankfully, premier New Jersey TMJ dentists Drs. Ivan & Allan Stein specialize in neuromuscular conditions including TMD. The doctors have extensive experience diagnosing and treating TMD, and is able to develop an individualized TMJ treatment plan that can alleviate the headaches and migraines caused by the disorder.
What Is TMD?
Often referred to as TMJ, TMD is a condition characterized by excessive stress on the temporomandibular joint in the jaw. What causes this excessive stress can vary, but common causes include bite misalignment and an imbalance in muscles in the jaw. With TMJ, the ligaments throughout the jaw become stretched out, which often causes the related muscles to become longer or shorter to compensate for the overly stretched ligaments.
Other factors that may put excessive stress on the TMJ include:
- Grinding your teeth (bruxism)
- Clenching your teeth
- Damaged or missing teeth
- Certain dental work
- Sustaining a traumatic injury to the region
- Illness-related inflammation such as osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis
- Ongoing stress
Symptoms of TMD
Although TMD is not always the cause of headaches or migraines, it is a real possibility, especially if you suffer from additional TMJ symptoms. Aside from headaches and migraines, symptoms of TMD include:
- Difficulty chewing or biting
- Clicking, popping or grating sounds occurring when you open or close your mouth
- Spasms or uncontrollable movements in your jaw
- A reduced range of motion of the jaw
- Difficulty swallowing
- A non-infectious sore throat or laryngitis
- Earaches (especially in the morning)
- Sinus pain
- Balance problems
- Vertigo
- Blurry vision
- Increased light sensitivity
- Watery eyes
- Pain throughout the eye area
- Pain or stiffness throughout the jaw, face, head, neck, shoulders and / or back
- Loss of hearing
- A ringing or buzzing around in the ears
What to Do If You Suffer From Frequent Migraine Headaches
If you suffer from frequent headaches or migraines — especially if your headaches are accompanied by other TMJ symptoms — it is time for you to contact Headache and TMJ Center of New Jersey for help.
At Headache and TMJ Center of New Jersey, Drs. Ivan & Allan Stein and their team are experts in neuromuscular conditions. They deliver personalized patient care and effective treatment results, utilizing state-of-the-art digital diagnostic tools and evaluation methods to pinpoint your condition. Once they have diagnosed your condition, they customize a treatment plan that is best suited for your needs. Drs. Ivan & Allan Stein and their team are pioneers in their field and have been engineering innovative, effective treatment solutions for TMJ and other neuromuscular disorders for over 25 years. They can do the same for you.
Stop living with jaw pain and migraines, and contact Headache and TMJ Center of New Jersey for a complimentary consultation by calling today.