Sources show that a growing number of teenagers and young adults (age 18 to 25) have reported symptoms or pain related to temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder (TMD). This has led to some people perceiving TMD as a younger generation disorder. But the truth is, TMD can affect anyone and can occur at any age. In this blog post, Dr. Ivan Stein of the Headache & TMJ Center of New Jersey explores the reasons for this growing misconception and discusses the importance of TMD treatment.
The Role of Academic Stress
The stress and worry of school assignments, homework and exams have long been linked to a number of issues, both physical and mental. Additionally, many teenagers and children are faced with the pressure of having to fit in at school. Many young adults face similar stress as they enter the work force and maneuver through the challenges associated with being a young working professional. As a way to cope, students and young working professionals may be prone to grind and/or clench their teeth. Some may not even be aware that they clench or grind their teeth as it occurs while they sleep. Teeth grinding and clenching can lead to a number of dental concerns, including TMJ pain.
Are Younger Patients More Likely to Seek Treatment?
As awareness of TMD grows, younger patients are becoming more proactive about their health and more willing to seek treatment for their TMD symptoms. In fact, they may be more likely than older adults to seek treatment. Although many older adults do seek treatment for their TMD symptoms, some may assume that their jaw pain is just part of the natural aging process and, as a result, choose to ignore the pain instead of seeking ways to relieve their symptoms.
The Importance of TMD Treatment
Over time, symptoms of TMD can worsen and make everyday life increasingly difficult. But with early diagnosis and treatment, patients can see a drastic decrease in TMD-related jaw pain and symptoms. At the Headache & TMJ Center of New Jersey, Dr. Stein offers several treatment options to help patients find the relief they deserve. Dr. Stein believes no two patients are the same. For this reason, Dr. Stein and his team are committed to utilizing the most advanced diagnostic technology and evaluation methods to find the best treatment approach for each patient.
To learn more about TMD treatment, schedule an appointment with Dr. Stein. Please call the Headache & TMJ Center of New Jersey at (855) TMJ-DOCS or (855) 865-3627.