According to West Orange, New Jersey TMJ Doctor, Dr. Ivan Stein, dizziness can be linked to some TMJ patients. “When the inflammation around the TMJ joint travels into the middle or inner ear, it can affect hearing and balance. This is because the ear contains very delicate structures that regulate balance and any inflammation in this area can disrupt a patient’s equilibrium resulting in dizziness or vertigo. Dizziness or vertigo generally produces a sensation that can make patient’s feel like they might fall and have instability on their feet,” says Dr. Stein.
“If a patient does not exhibit infectious symptoms like fever, and after normal inspection of the mouth and ear, TMJ becomes more apparent, especially if a patient is experiencing teeth grinding, clicking of the jaw, or soreness in the jaw joint muscles”, according to Dr. Stein from the Headache & TMJ Center of New Jersey.
For more information about TMJ and Dizziness or Vertigo, contact the Headache & TMJ Center of New Jersey for a free consultation at 855.TMJ.DOCS or 855.865.3627 today.